Huwebes, Enero 5, 2017

Inevitable change in technology

 Ponder Questions (page 52)

"Video killed the radio star"

       1. How, according to the song, did "video kill the radio star"? Is this a good thing, as far as the song goes?

              Technology is something that is changing from time to time and we can't stop it. The video killed the radio star because a new technology which is the video put an end to the radios, the video killed the radio star because before when there's no videos yet, radios are so famous and almost all people use it but then when the videos came, it put an end of the radio's popularity, thus the video killed the radio star. This isn't a good thing for the radio star because the videos overshadowed  them.

         2. What is the "wireless in '52" referring to? 
                The "wireless in '52" refers to the radios way back in 1952 that is used wirelessly.

        3. What does the line, "They took the credit for your second symphony, rewritten by machine and new technology," mean?

            It means that the television is a better version of the radio and it uses the radio's sound to combine with pictures with motions create a better technology.

          4. What do you think is the music video saying about technology?

               The music video meant that new technologies is an innovation of the older technologies and new technologies can put an end to the older ones.

      5. What are the song and the music video saying about the relationship of technology with concepts like art, originality, popular culture, innocence, nostalgia, boredom.

               The song is saying that growing technologies can affect the originality of a certain technology like the radio star, because new technology comes from the old technology, the new ones are just an innovation of the old ones. Some technologies copies a certain art form of another technology to build a new technology like the video and the radio star, the videos just copied the sounds that came from the radio and it adds pictures in motion to from a new art.

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